Concise Minutes - Petitions Committee

Meeting Venue: HYBRID

Committee rooms 1&2

Meeting date: Monday, 21 November 2022

Meeting time: 14.00 - 14.31
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:






Members of the Senedd:

Jack Sargeant MS (Chair)

Luke Fletcher MS

Joel James MS

Rhianon Passmore MS (In place of Buffy Williams MS)


Committee Staff:

Gareth Price (Clerk)

Mared Llwyd (Second Clerk)

Kayleigh Imperato (Deputy Clerk)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting.


Apologies were received from Buffy Williams MS and Rhys ab Owen MS.


Rhiannon Passmore MS attended the meeting as substitute for Buffy Williams MS.




2       New Petitions



2.1   P-06-1287 Investigate C&V UHB’s refusal to keep north Penarth’s surgery, allocating patients to distant GPs

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to:





2.2   P-06-1297 Stop "Controlled Burning" in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds seeking their view on whether it is necessary to allow some burn management, and if the window for doing so is appropriate.




2.3   P-06-1304 To review the emergency temporary housing policy which impacts our communities

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to:



3       Updates to previous petitions



3.1   P-05-1112 Help Welsh Communities Buy Community Assets: Implement Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to wait for the Welsh Government’s response to the Local Government & Housing Committee report on Community Assets and highlight the petition in the plenary debate which is anticipated to take place early in 2023.




3.2   P-06-1212 Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all open water sites in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and congratulated the petitioner Leeanne Bartley, Mark’s family and all those who have campaigned tirelessly to raise awareness and improve water safety.  The Chair thanked those who contributed to the inquiry to help prevent others from experiencing such tragic loss.


The Committee recognised the wider context and work happening regarding adventure activities and the Chair welcomed the invite to attend a future meeting of the Cross-Party Group for the Outdoor Activity sector in Wales.


A debate will take place in Plenary on 7 December and the petition will return for consideration by the Committee following this.




3.3   P-06-1240 Improve health services for people with epilepsy living in Wales

The Committee noted the response from Hywel Dda University Health Board and agreed to discuss the petition again when a response is received from the Welsh Government on the Epilepsy Action Cymru report.



3.4   P-06-1235 Ensure appropriate provision of services and support for people with Acquired Brain Injury in Wales

The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write back to the Minister to share the petitioner’s comments including the request for continued collaboration to improve services for ABI in the future.


In doing so, the Committee agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner for highlighting this important issue.




3.5   P-06-1273 Drastically reduce waiting times for ambulances and at A&E departments

The Committee considered the petition and because of the detailed inquiry and report recently published by the Health and Social Care Committee and the Welsh Government’s acceptance in principle of all the recommendations, Members agreed that many of the issues raised in the petition and subsequent comments have been addressed. The Committee therefore agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner for highlighting this serious matter.


In doing so, the Committee agreed to highlight the Health and Social Care Committee’s inquiry to the petitioner.




4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting

The motion was agreed.




5       Petition of the year

The Committee discussed the recent work undertaken on the Petition of the year.



6       Scoping paper on future work

The committee considered a scoping paper on future work the Committee could undertake.





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